Computer House
A Premier Computer Services, LLC Company – Celebrating 22+ Years of service in New Jersey
Supporting your computer needs since 2002. Whether you are a business or individual, we have you covered!
We offer Business Continuity, which means keeping your network and email up when it would otherwise be crippled.
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We offer full service Network IT Support including Server installation and maintenance, Security services and more. Also Email Hosting including Microsoft 365 and Standard email, Website/FTP hosting and much more. Click below to find out more:

Network Setup & Tech Support
Your business network needs to run reliably and efficiently.
Whether you are in the office or remotely connecting, your network programs and email need to be stable and available.
At Premier Computer Services, we design, implement and support new and existing computer networks for small to medium-sized businesses. Learn More…

Website Hosting / Design & Email Hosting
We offer more than a solid network for your business.
Computer House offers secure and reliable world class Website and Email services at prices businesses can afford with chat and Dropbox integration in our standard mailboxes. Your website and emails that are online are backed up using cloud services, and your email is filtered using 4 layers of security scanning … Learn More

Fix My Computer & Networking
Home offices are a large part of today’s world.
People need to work and get things done remotely from home or on the road. We understand that need and can provide you, the individual or home office user all the tools necessary to keep connected to your office and business. We can also setup a home network or fix any existing computers you have onsite and remotely.
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Personal Website & Email
Need a personal website or a small amount of emails using your domain name?
We can set you up quickly using the same security standards we would use with our corporate clients.
We can also set up Wi-Fi at your home or home office and secure it with today’s newest security procedures.Learn More